During both World Wars, the U.S. Government urged citizens to plant Victory Gardens as a measure to avoid food shortages nationwide. After almost 100 years, we're seeing a resurgence in planting these efficient and bountiful produce-bearing gardens. Although it's not wartime, here's how planting a garden and growing your own fruits and vegetables is a victory for your mind, body, and soul.
Why growing backyard produce is called a Victory Garden
The "war garden movement" first surged during World War I to help American farmers shoulder the load of feeding America and our overseas allies. Citizens were encouraged to "sow the seeds of victory" by planting, growing, harvesting, and storing the fruits and vegetables of their labor. Any available spaces that could successfully produce crops were used to tend a Victory Garden, including parks, backyards, and empty lots. These symbols of perseverance yielded tons of fresh fruits and vegetables and nearly 1.45 million quarts of canned produce. The efficient and bountiful Victory Gardens reappeared across the United States during WWII.

Rise in homegrown vegetables and fruits
Nothing tastes better than fresh and tasty produce from your home garden. Growing and harvesting fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your own Victory Garden means you're just steps away from the healthiest organic produce packed full of delicious nutrients.
A bountiful produce-bearing garden is your personal farm-to-table movement. When you grow and harvest fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs right in your very own victory garden, you'll know exactly where your food comes from! It's also an opportunity for you and your family to learn and grow together.
In the spirit of the Victory Garden, share any surplus harvest with your friends and family or a local food bank so everyone shares in healthy, homegrown food.
Growing fruits and vegetables connects gardeners with nature and their community
Fruits and vegetables aren't the only things that will grow when you garden. The therapeutic activity of building a Victory Garden gives you a chance to reconnect with the Earth. You’ll also meet others in your community, whether it’s online, at the plant nursery, or other gardeners in your community.
Along the way, from planting to harvesting, you'll learn patience, perseverance, and how to deal with disappointment. It takes concentration to nurture your seeds and seedlings to maturity. You’ll find yourself living in the moment and setting aside your daily stresses as you slow down, enjoy the sunlight, and breathe fresh air. as you learn more about yourself and your community.
And don't forget to celebrate your successes during the excitement of harvest. Living and eating sustainably is good for the Earth and your mental health. Sowing a successful victory garden will reconnect you with Earth.
Victory Gardens can serve as a victory for you, too
We believe at Good Dirt that "time spent gardening is good for the soul."
Your new garden will deliver healthy food for your family, and getting your hands dirty helps you reconnect with nature. The hard work and determination pay off in your mind, body, and soul. It is worth every second spent bettering yourself and the Earth you nurture.